Death Ends Nothing

John 20: 19-31 A small child was sitting in her mother’s lap. They were looking at a magazine together. When they came across an artist’s depiction of Jesus, her mother asked, “Do you know who that is?” “Yes,” the young child said matter-of-factly, “He goes to our church.” Wouldn’t you think the mother would be…

Christ Our King

Revelation 1: 4-8 The minister of a rural church in the Ozarks suggested to his parishioners that they purchase a chandelier. It was put to a vote, and all members voted it down. “Why do you oppose the purchase of a chandelier?” asked the preacher. “Well,” said one of the members, “first, we can’t spell…

You Are Witnesses of These Things

Luke 24: 36-48 These days are full of the run-of-the-mill responsibilities for family and personal duties that capture our attention. Family and friends are under doctors’ care, loved ones are entering new jobs and relationships, unresolved issues both small and great continue to bite at our heals. All of this amounts to life in 21st…

Take My Word For It

Mark 16: 1-8 I used to not like this account of the Easter story from Mark because Jesus doesn’t appear, but this story is more like our lives. When we talk about encountering Jesus usually in our moment or day of conversion, most of the time, we don’t talk about Jesus appearing before us or…