God’s Great Big Things

“These stories stir in us a passion to draw near to God and trust his will to truly be best for all of us, and God’s will is most dramatically seen and given to us in the words and life of Jesus Christ.”

This Must Be Sufficient

“All YOU can do is tell YOUR story, the story or stories of YOUR encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ, YOUR experiences of repentance and forgiveness of sins in His name. All YOU can do is tell YOUR story, and this must be sufficient, because you are witnesses of these things, of sins forgiven, of great joy and peace, of assurance you are his child and the story of his blood, and his name are sufficient for YOU.”

He Didn’t Go to Them

“I am ruined because of what I’ve experienced, and what I’ve witnessed. It is our business to always instill hope in the lives of those who are hurting. Our God is able. Our God is great, and our God is always near to those who ask, seek and knock.”

Watching What Jesus Did

Matthew 9: 9-13, 18-26 I think we’ll talk a little bit about sin this morning. A twenty-seven-year-old minister was assigned to his first church only a short time when he noticed that one of his parishioners, an elderly woman, had missed several Sundays in a row. He decided to see her and find out the…

Two Accounts

John 20: 1-18 Bloopers, even typos, appear in church bulletins or websites occasionally – bloopers like these: Our Easter service is always very popular. We suggest you get here early so you can get a good seat in the BACK; The choirs and actors will meet Wednesday evening before the cantata for a STRESS rehearsal;…

Day and Night

Luke 18: 1-8 A judge in a Kentucky court asked, “Colonel Beaufort, according to my records you never served a day in the army. Can you tell me how you came to be called Colonel?” The witness replied, “Well, your honor, it’s like the ‘Honorable’ in front of your name. It don’t mean nothin’.” Lucille…

What We Ought to Do

Luke 17: 5-10 Three Indians/Native Americans – a Navajo, a Hopi and an Apache – were speaking about how powerful their prayers were. The Navajo said, “You know, we Navajos praying for healing, and the sick get well about half the time.” The Hopi said, “Well, we Hopis pray for rain, and it happens about…

Not Quite There Yet

Acts 2: 1-21 A Sunday school teacher had cleverly taught her class to recite the Apostles’ Creed. Each student was assigned a portion of the creed to memorize and recite in order. It was the day for her class to recite the creed in worship. The first child began, “I believe in God the Father…

In a Moment, In a Day (In a Snapshot)

Mark 6: 1-6 When I was a child I received as a gift from my parents on my birthday, a Kodak Instamatic camera. It was marketed as a camera to fit into your pocket easily.  I thought it was cool.  My mother, particularly, was excited to give it to me.  She was the one in…

First and Foremost

Daniel 3: 13-26 King Nebuchadnezzar wanted the people to worship what he made. If they didn’t, they’d suffer. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Jews appointed by the king over the affairs of Babylon, were known not to worship the statue. In this society, we don’t know kings. We know politicians. A candidate running for Congress hired…