God’s Great Big Things

“These stories stir in us a passion to draw near to God and trust his will to truly be best for all of us, and God’s will is most dramatically seen and given to us in the words and life of Jesus Christ.”

A Simple Relationship

“He may not answer all your questions and ease all your concerns. My question then is why? Why is the answer he gives and the condition he leaves us not sufficient for us? He just wants us to be in relationship with him.”

Found by Us

“The time we have together is meant to be a time of seeking the Lord together, only to find him together. The time we have together is meant to be time to be REVIVED, REFORMED, REFRESHED, RENEWED together.”

Now, A Beginning

“. The physical and the spiritual were part of the story of Jesus. THE PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL are part of OUR story and OUR witness and OUR testimony.”

You’re Loved

“When connected to the vine of Christ we grow in healthy ways and produce fruit that others feed from and grow strong because of the life of Christ in and through us.”

The Shepherd

“How often in this life have we thought IF WE JUST HAD SOMEONE TO FOLLOW and not be afraid of what might happen in the moments ahead?”

This Must Be Sufficient

“All YOU can do is tell YOUR story, the story or stories of YOUR encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ, YOUR experiences of repentance and forgiveness of sins in His name. All YOU can do is tell YOUR story, and this must be sufficient, because you are witnesses of these things, of sins forgiven, of great joy and peace, of assurance you are his child and the story of his blood, and his name are sufficient for YOU.”

That We Might Be Saved

“It is in grace, divine unmerited favor, that Jesus was lifted up to draw all the world to himself. It is in grace God so loved the world that he gave his son, and it is in grace that his light has come. When light exposes what is hidden, secrets no longer need to be covered because JESUS DID NOT COME TO CONDEMN THE SECRETS HIDDEN, THE EVIL DEEDS COVERED, BUT THAT WE MIGHT BE SAVED THROUGH HIM.”

Where Is Our Zeal?

John 2: 13-22 Here are some random thoughts about money. A fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place. Back in the day, an interviewer asked Bing Crosby how he could always stay so calm and unperturbed. Bing pulled from his pocket a huge chunk of dollar bills and said,…

Such Risky Adventures

“So, when I hear or read, “If any want to become my followers,” I wince a bit. I know there’s a cost. There’s a cost in carrying a cross, in denying oneself, and it sounds like a follower follows alone. BUT WE DON’T FOLLOW ALONE. JESUS WASN’T ALONE ENTERING HIS PASSION. We wouldn’t be either.”